NBC regulatory codes limiting broadcast journalists, says Precious Enyi

Precious Enyi, station manager of Voice of the People TV, says the regulatory codes issued by the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) are stifling journalists. 

She expressed her concerns on Sunday, during an appearance on 90MinutesAfrica, an online TV show hosted by Rudolf Okonkwo. 

“The state of the media is worrisome. If you look at the codes that regulate media practice in Nigeria, you will find out that you seem to be given the freedom to express yourself, but at the same time, you don’t have that freedom. That is what we worry most about,” she said.

She added that broadcast journalists in Nigeria face excessive regulation and that the codes even dictate what journalists can wear and how they should speak.

Enyi alleged that the codes allow government to interpret almost any remark as a violation. 

“Another section of the NBC code stipulated that a broadcaster must ensure that its presenter/anchor of any programme, especially phone-in programmes, shall handle…


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