Press Week: 100 NUJ members benefit from medical outreach in Ebonyi

No fewer than 100 media practitioners in Ebonyi State have benefited from free medical outreach of the state council of Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ.

The free medical service was organised by the council in collaboration with Medical Women Association of Nigeria in the state.

The outreach was part of the activities lined up by NUJ to mark this year’s Press Week, themed, “The Media Admits Economic Uncertainty.”

The free medical outreach centred on health talks, blood and sugar screening, hepatitis, oral care and treatment, among others.

Over 30 journalists who have teeth-related problems were treated by a team of dentists and counselled after the treatment.

Speaking during the medical outreach, the state chairman of the union, Samson Nwafor, said he included the outreach in the 2024 Press Week events because of the importance of health checks in the lives of journalists, who are often too busy to care for their health due to the nature of journalism.

He opined that the…


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