How White Guys Are Mobilizing Other White Guys To Elect Kamala Harris

If the idea of a bunch of liberal white guys talking about a “positive, multiracial, feminist democracy narrative” strikes you as unbearably cringey, white guys like Chris Crass would encourage you to consider the alternative.

As a “progressive white guy,” Crass often feels “really sad about what white guy political expression looks like” in the age of Donald Trump and the hard-core masculine right. “When you think of, like, white men taking political action, generally the idea of what that looks like is terrible — Charlottesville, MAGA, a Klan rally,” said Crass, a longtime organizer from Louisville, Kentucky.

But in late July, with Vice President Kamala Harris suddenly the de facto presidential nominee, Crass saw an opportunity to mobilize “progressive white men for multiracial feminist democracy” — in other words, organizing white men behind Harris and against Trump. Crass, 50, co-founded the group White Men Against MAGA within 24 hours of Harris replacing…


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