Secrets of the Sphinx: How the pyramids form a map of the skies – and the implications shatter history as we know it, writes author GRAHAM HANCOCK

Who really carved the Great Sphinx of Egypt and constructed Mexico‘s Pyramid of the Sun? For centuries man has been baffled by the great monuments left behind by the ancients. How could various ancient peoples around the world have mastered the principles of advanced astronomy and complex mathematics?

Now best-selling author Graham Hancock, who has spent the past five years researching these mysteries, believes he may have some answers. He has written a provocative book which challenges the exiting wisdoms about our past. Earlier this week he explained what his quest revealed in the high Andes and the plains of Central Mexico. He told how in both places there were legends of mysterious bearded pale-skinned `supergods’ – named Viracocha in the Andes and Quetzacoatl in Mexico – who arrived after a great flood bringing with them the gifts of civilisation.

Hancock believes these legends point to a lost civilisation which flourished before the last Ice Age but was wiped out in an…


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