Iranian-Backed Terrorists Fire Dozens Of Missiles, Drones At U.S. Navy: ‘An Act Of War’

Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists in Yemen fired dozens of missiles and drones at U.S. Navy ships this week after Israel killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in an airstrike on Friday afternoon.

“Three U.S. Navy warships shot down nearly two dozen incoming missiles and drones launched by Iran’s rebel army in Yemen earlier today while transiting the narrow entrance to the Red Sea,” said Fox News defense correspondent Lucas Tomlinson.

No U.S. ships were hit, no sailors were hurt, and it appears as though all of the projectiles that were fired were either shot down or missed.

“A pair of guided-missile destroyers, the USS Stockdale and USS Spruance, along with a littoral combat ship, the USS Indianapolis, were transiting the Bab al-Mandab Strait when the American warships came under attack from a barrage of incoming ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and drones,” he added.


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