Challenges of policy-making and the impact of fuel subsidy removal, By Bolutife Oluwadele

Fuel pump price and fuel subsidy


Policymaking is a process of decision making on how a problem encountered in any society can be solved. It entails the formulation, adoption and implementation of decisions in other for a problem to be solved. Also, it aims at changing future situations to make them better than the present. Effective policy-making ensures that any nation grows and does so favourably. On the other hand, policy failure is the adverse effect of any poor policy to an economy, society or government. Any policy decision can fail to yield good results to any nation. One of the policies that made Nigeria unpopular since 2020 has to do with the removal of subsidy on petrol. This article is about policy making failures, and the case scenario here to be discussed is the impact of fuel subsidy removal in Nigeria.


Nigeria has a decades-long policy of subsidising fuel, as it aims to keep the price of petrol low in order to shield the population from the volatility of global…


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