On her 78th birthday anniversary we re-affirm that the mufti-faceted struggles to which Comrade Bene devoted her life will continue with a focus on a humane social order and genuine freedom.
Comrade Bene Edwin Madunagu, who died on 26 November last year, would have been 78 today.
We, therefore, elect to use the occasion of her post-humous birthday commemoration to express our heartfelt gratitude for the phenomenal solidarity received during her funeral in January and in her last years, while she was ill.
This solidarity, in immense moral and material terms, came from comrades, friends, colleagues, associates, mentees, caregivers, neighbours, family members, funeral committee members, etc.
We are eternally indebted for the love and care shown Comrade Bene in her life time and the huge honour done her memory at death.
We are consoled by the fact that the tributes paid to her memory sincerely testify to her life as a socialist revolutionary, scholar, feminist, mentor and…
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