Nigerian Newspapers Front Pages: 7 March 2023

Nigerian Newspapers Front Pages: 7 March 2023

: Deposit Money Banks in the country have begun partial compliance with the Supreme Court order approving the use of old N1,000 and N500 and N200 notes as legal tender for 10 months. The Supreme Court had, last week ordered that the old naira notes should be allowed in circulation along with the new notes until December 31, 2023.

The Guardian: Days after announcing his decision to challenge outcome of the February 25 elections, presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar, yesterday, led stalwarts and members of the party in a protest march to headquarters of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Abuja.

The Nation: Nigerians’ hope of having more access to cash was dashed yesterday. The banks had no improvement in the cash allocation they have been getting from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) despite last Friday’s Supreme Court verdict on the recirculation of all old naira notes.

Daily Trust: Long queues on Monday persisted at banks across the country as customers struggled to withdraw cash, despite the ruling by the Supreme Court that the old note denominations remain legal tender until December 31, this year, Daily Trust reports.


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