UK Newspapers Front Pages: 7 March 2023

UK Newspapers Front Pages: 7 March 2023

Press Preview: Tuesday’s front pages

We take a look at the front pages with the political editor of the Guardian, Pippa Crerar, and the political editor of The Sun, Harry Cole.

The Sun

The Sun reports on the government’s plans to ban Channel migrants from entering the UK, with Rishi Sunak promising in the paper that his new Illegal Migration Bill will “take back ­control of our borders, once and for all.”

The Independent

The Independent reports on a backlash by senior Conservatives to claims that Boris Johnson has nominated his father, Stanley Johnson, for a knighthood in his resignation honours.

Daily Express

Suella Braverman has urged people to back the government’s proposals to clamp down on Channel migrant crossings saying “we owe it to the British people” to deliver, the Daily Express reports.

The Daily Telegraph

 The Daily Telegraph continues with its “Lockdown Files” series, reporting that Matt Hancock discussed a plan to block funding for a disabled children’s centre after a Conservative MP threatened to rebel over COVID lockdown restrictions.

Daily Mirror

The story of Boris Johnson’s resignation honours also features on the front page of the Daily Mirror, which carries a quote from an unnamed MP accusing the former Prime Minister of “making a mockery” of the honours system.

Daily Star

The Daily Star reports on claims that Boris Johnson has nominated his father, Stanley Johnson, for a knighthood in his resignation honours list.

The Times

Rishi Sunak is planning an annual cap on the number of refugees under new plans set to be announced on Tuesday, The Times reports.

The Guardian

The Guardian reports that there were more than 1,000 “super-emitter” sites that leaked methane gas into the global atmosphere last year.

Some of the leaks from the sites – mostly oil and gas facilities – were deliberate, while some were accidental, the paper reports.


Rishi Sunak has been warned by former Conservative ministers that his plan to clamp down on Channel migrant crossings may be unworkable, the i reports.

Daily Mail

The Daily Mail reports that ministers are set to push the boundaries of the European Convention on Human Rights in order to bring in new legislation to clamp down on Channel migrant crossings.

Financial Times

US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is to meet Taiwan’s president Tsai Ing-Wen in California, rather than Taiwan’s capital Taipei, amid concerns of a backlash from China, the Financial Times reports.


The Metro reports on the death of three people following a crash in Wales.

The family of one of the victims, 21-year-old Eve Smith, suffered another tragedy eight years ago when 19-year-old Xana Doyle was killed in a crash involving a drink and drug driver, the paper reports.


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