Monday’s UK newspaper front pages

Monday’s UK newspaper front pages

Daily Express

The Daily express splashes on Rishi Sunak’s pledge to crack down on grooming gangs.

The PM is set to announce that specialist officers will be formed into a taskforce dedicating to tackle the problem.

Daily Mail

Millions of drivers are going to be forced to use an app to pay for phone parking as councils across the country scrap traditional parking meters.

The paper reports that this is having a disproportionate impact on older motorists, many of whom struggle to operate the apps.

The Sun

A £250,000 bounty has been put on the head of Olivia Pratt-Korbel’s murderer, according to the Sun.

The paper claims gangsters are trying to silence Thomas Cashman over fears he may talk to police following his conviction.

The Daily Telegraph

The Daily Telegraph leads on the news that the police have been told not to ignore the ethnicity of grooming gangs.

The PM is set to order police forces to improve their recording and analysis of ethnicity data in an attempt to catch more perpetrators.

Daily Mirror

According to the Daily Mirror, Suella Braverman has been using taxpayer money to pay her energy bills.

The paper alleges the Home Secretary has claimed nearly £25,000 in expenses for her London home, while living with her parents when she isn’t staying there. 

There is no suggestion any of this is outside the rules around claiming expenses.

The Times

The Times leads on the news that the government is announcing the formation of a new task force to tackle grooming gangs.

The paper quotes the PM who says that “for too long, political correctness has stopped us from weeding out vile criminals”.

Daily Star

The story of a man who was told to leave his wife by a chatbot is the splash on the Daily Star.

The paper reports that the husband in question “couldn’t sleep” after the AI told him he should end his marriage.


The i reports that NHS mental care services are set to become the subject of a public inquiry.

It alleges that doctors and nurses could be compelled to give evidence relating to some 2,000 deaths.

Financial Times

The Financial Times splashes on the revelations from oil producing nations that they will be cutting back production by more than a million barrels a day.

According to the paper, the move has put Saudi Arabia on a “collision course” with the US as it attempts to boost prices.


The delays at the Port of Dover are the lead story for the Metro, which reports ferry hold-ups lasting as long as 19 hours.

The paper quotes travellers at Dover describing the condition of the toilets at the port as “harrowing”.

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