UK Newspapers Front Pages: 18 May 2023

UK Newspapers Front Pages: 18 May 2023

The Sun

The Sun leads on allegations Freddie Flintoff was left in pain for 45 minutes after crashing his car while filming Top Gear, owing to inadequate safety precautions being taken during the shoot.

Daily Star

The Daily Star reports that some people have been forgoing biscuits and instead taken to dunking sausage rolls in their cups of tea with the paper reporting 1 in 10 partake in the unconventional eating habit.

The Guardian

The prime minister has been accused of being “out of touch with ordinary families” after claiming the economy was improving, according to The Guardian.

The Daily Telegraph

The burgeoning cost of obesity to the NHS is the lead story in The Daily Telegraph, which writes that the heaviest patients cost twice as much to care for as those of a healthy weight.

The Times

A £10bn plan from water companies to stop sewage spills across the UK makes the splash on The Times, which says the industry has apologised after pumping waste into the nation’s rivers.

Daily Express

The prime minister has hinted that tax cuts could be on the way before the next general election, according to the front of the Daily Express. The paper says Rishi Sunak has dismissed “doom-mongers” who claim the UK’s economic recovery has stalled.

Daily Mail

Sir Keir Starmer’s statement that he will try to renegotiate the Brexit deal if he wins the next election is met with consternation by the Daily Mail, which accuses the Labour leader of allowing the “mask to slip” over his attitude towards the EU.


An alleged car chase involving Prince Harry, his wife the Duchess of Sussex and the paparazzi following an awards event in New York City is the splash on the i.

Daily Mirror

The Daily Mirror leads on the news that 19 people are being investigated by police after hundreds died while on opioid drugs at Gosport War Memorial Hospital in Hampshire.

Financial Times

The Financial Times splashes on the news that German automotive manufacturers are pushing for a delay in Brexit rules that could stop them having tariff-free access to the UK market.


The Metro leads on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex claiming to have been involved in a “near catastrophic” car chase with the paparazzi in New York City.

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