Monday’s UK front pages: 28 August 2023

Monday’s UK front pages: 28 August 2023

Daily Express

The Daily Express splashes on infighting in the Conservative Party after Boris Johnson ally Nadine Dorries finally resigned.

Senior Tories have called for unity – or, they say, the next election will be won by Labour.

The Times

On its front page, The Times reports that illegal migrants could be tagged in the same way prisoners are in a bid to save space in detention centres, under new Home Office plans to reduce case backlogs.

Daily Mirror

Like The Guardian, the Mirror leads on a joint study that confirms ultra-processed foods significantly raise your chances of a stroke, heart attack or high blood pressure.

According to the paper, more than half of the food in our diet meets that criteria.

The Daily Telegraph

According to The Daily Telegraph, Home Secretary Suella Braverman has demanded every police force in England and Wales must investigate all reports of theft they recieve.

Daily Star

The Daily Star leads on the weather – and claims that after an unpredictable Bank Holiday weekend, it’s going to be 23C (74F) on Monday.

Daily Mail

The Mail splashes on the NHS Rainbow Badge Scheme, which the paper says grades hospital trusts on its use of “gendered language” and advises them to drop terms such as “mother” and “woman”.

The Guardian

The Guardian leads on two major studies that warn ultra-processed foods significantly raise the chances of high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes.

It also reports on London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s warnings that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak could undo a “decade’s progress” on clean air if he doesn’t back the expansion of the capital’s Ultra Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ).

Financial Times

The FT leads on Western companies’ warnings that the slowdown in China’s economy will weigh heavily on global trade.


The i splashes on polling that suggests at least five cabinet members and other senior Tories are on track to lose their seats at the next general election.

It claims Labour are 15 points ahead of the Conservatives.


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