Herdsman impregnated my wife, vows to take my life, Nasarawa farmer cries out from hiding

Herdsman impregnated my wife, vows to take my life, Nasarawa farmer cries out from hiding

Lorver Angbir, a 48-year-old farmer from Tse-Nyamsho village in Keana Local Government Area, Nasarawa State has gone into hiding following the threat to his life by a herdsman who had impregnated his wife. Angbir said his sin was that both his wife, Mwuese, and the baby she had from the pregnancy died during labour and the herdsman, who he identified as Alhaji Abu, concluded that he (Angbir) was responsible for the death of Mwuese and the newborn baby because he was not happy that she was impregnated by another man.

Speaking from hiding in an interview with our correspondent, Angbir said he regretted the day he met Mwuese with whom he was married for eight years before she was taken over by another man in a manner he considered humiliating while Mwuese appeared to enjoy every bit of the ugly development.

Angbir, who has since taken refuge in another village, said: “My wife slept with a Fulani man with whom we had lived as brothers in the same village for years. She got pregnant for him and told me to my face that he was responsible for her pregnancy.

“It shocked me when, from nowhere, Alhaji Abu started coming into my wife’s room and ordered me out of the house.

“He said I should look for somewhere else to sleep because he had taken over my wife, threatening to slaughter me like a ram if I dared raise any alarm over the matter.

“He was always coming with a gun and other weapons.

“Right in my house and on top of my bed almost every night, he would come and sleep with my wife. And, to my surprise, she seemed not to have any issue with it.

“This ugly development continued for almost one year before she took in.

“We were married for about eight years and I loved her very well.

“I suspect that he used a charm on my wife, because he took over my wife completely, giving things to her while my wife too was taking food to him right in my presence.

“I kept quiet because he threatened to eliminate me if I did anything funny.”

Angbir recalled how he had spent the entire income from his farm about eight years ago to marry Mwuese, saying: “We had lived happily together without any issue. l loved her so much that because of the bad terrain of our area, I did not want her to suffer, so I engaged her with selling provisions while I went to the farm alone.

“Then from nowhere, Alhaji started sleeping with her. Within a short time, he completely took over my wife from me, sleeping with her in my own room and threatening to kill me if I raised any alarm.

“This continued until my wife became pregnant. I have not been able to have sex with my wife since their illicit affair began.

“When she was about to be delivered of a baby and she died in the process, Alhaji Abu felt I deliberately killed her so that she would not deliver the baby. So he vowed to slaughter me like a ram once he set his eyes on me. That is why I had to run for my dear life.

This was in May, and up till now, I have not gone to my village.

“If not for some Fulani herdsmen who stood by me in the village, I would be dead by now.”

Angbir is now forced to live like a fugitive who cannot visit his community for fear of being killed by Alhaji Abu, who he said has vowed to eliminate him.

He is also a victim of emotional and psychological trauma which he said he has suffered from his wife’s alleged infidelity and betrayal while they were still married.

The couple was living together at Tse-nyamsho, a community in Keana Local Government Area, Nasarawa State.

Angbir, it was learnt, is a full time farmer who loved his now estranged wife so much that he raised some money for her to start selling provisions in the village and did not bother her with farm work.

Six years after their marriage, however, he began to notice that the 51-year-old herdsman was in an affair with his wife.

According to one of Angbir’s relations, who identified himself simply as Mr Agba, his bid for financial stability, which often took him away from home to the farm from early morning to the late hours, leaving his wife behind created the crack in his marriage.

The following conversation ensued between Angbir and our correspondent from the former’s hideout in a community in the suburb of Lafia, Nasarawa State capital:

What is your name?

Read the full story in The Nation


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