How your shampoo bottle could be making you FAT: Scientists discover 11 chemicals in common plastics that contribute to weight gain

How your shampoo bottle could be making you FAT: Scientists discover 11 chemicals in common plastics that contribute to weight gain

Daily Mail

It may sound like a bizarre way to gain weight, but a new study suggests that plastics in shampoo bottles could actually be making people fat.

That’s because scientists have discovered 11 chemicals that can affect our metabolism and contribute to weight gain in everyday products such as drinks bottles, kitchen sponges and hair conditioners.

Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology looked at 34 different plastic products to see which chemicals they contained.

They found more than 55,000 different chemical components in the products and identified 629 of the substances, 11 of which are known to be metabolism-disrupting chemicals.

‘Our experiments show that ordinary plastic products contain a mix of substances that can be a relevant and underestimated factor behind overweight and obesity,’ said Martin Wagner, an associate professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

For a long time, experts believed that most plastic chemicals would stay in these everyday products, but Wagner’s team has shown that they leach a large number under real world conditions.

Read the full story in Daily Mail


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