Nigerian man attempts suicide after wife who conned him into relocating her family, boyfriend to US filed for divorce

Nigerian man attempts suicide after wife who conned him into relocating her family, boyfriend to US filed for divorce


The Street Journal

A US-based Nigerian man was left devastated and attempted suicide after the woman he married in Nigeria deceived him into bringing her family and lover into the US and later filed for a divorce from him.

According to a Twitter user, Akwari Charles, who shared the story on the micro-blogging platform, the said lady never had anything intimate to do with the man who he claimed was a resident nurse as she told him that she’s a devout Christian and wanted to wait till they were married.

Charles said the lady insisted on having a white wedding in the US and she wanted her family to be present, so she made the man apply for visas for them and brought them to the US.

Charles added that they were able to secure visas for the lady’s mother, some of her siblings and a certain stepbrother.

The lady reportedly proceeded to rent an apartment for the stepbrother.

Worried by the delay in the church wedding, the family of the man inquired to know the reasons behind the stalled wedding plans and constant postponement.

When the man opened up to the family, Charles said the lady picked up a quarrel with him, filed for divorce and moved out.

All attempts by the man to get the lady back in the house was unsuccessful as the woman afterwards changed her number and was nowhere to be found.

Charles said that after months of investigation, it was later discovered that a guy who she claimed was a stepbrother was actually her boyfriend.

This left the man devasted and he attempted to take his life but he was rescued by friends who rushed him to the hospital.


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