From 2023, YABATECH will suspend students who publicly display affection 3 times

From 2023, YABATECH will suspend students who publicly display affection 3 times


The Management of Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH), Yaba, Lagos, is set to suspend students for one semester if caught publicly displaying affection three times, FIJ has learnt.

Contained in an internal memo sighted by FIJ, and dated December 29, 2022, are sanctions for indecent dressing or posture for students.

The memo, signed by Oyebanji A. P., Deputy Registrar (Academic Board), was titled “Academic Board Decision on Report of Committee on Indecent Dressing/Posture and Appropriate Sanctions”.

Listed among its 17 offences is “Public Display of Affection”. The memo says the management will advise first offenders, warn second offenders and suspend third offenders for one semester.

It also says the same punishment applies to wearers of backless clothes, face caps, tattoos, short skirts, crazy hairstyles, male earrings, piercings, tight clothes, and dark shades, among others.

When FIJ called Joe Ejiofor, the college’s Public Relations Officer (PRO), he told our reporter the decision was reached by the academic board.

“There were no recent events that inspired the decision to put out that memo,” he told FIJ. “The board sat and decided on it, and that is why it is there.”


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