Pele’s 100-year-old mum ‘unaware’ Brazil legend has died in heartbreaking update

Pele’s 100-year-old mum ‘unaware’ Brazil legend has died in heartbreaking update


Pele’s mum is unaware the soccer legend has died, his sister has revealed.

Maria Lucia do Nascimento looks after their mother Celeste, who has just turned 100 and whose home is said to be on the route funeral organisers have planned before the football star is laid to rest in the world’s tallest cemetery.

Overnight it emerged Pele’s only surviving sibling has yet to tell the matriarch her famous son has lost his fight against colon cancer. She said in an interview in her homeland: “We talk but she doesn’t know the situation. She’s in her own world.”

Referring to the three-times World Cup champion by his family childhood nickname of Dico, she added: “She opens her eyes when I mention his name and say, ‘We’re going to pray for him’ but she’s not really conscious of what I’m saying.”


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