Psychic who predicted Queen's death says something 'awful' will happen to Andrew

Psychic who predicted Queen's death says something 'awful' will happen to Andrew


Craig Hamilton-Parker, the so-called “Prophet of Doom” who incredibly predicted the death of 96-year-old Queen Elizabeth II now says the late monarch’s favourite son will may suffer some kind psychological breakdown or take a drugs overdose.

Hamilton-Parker claimed to have predicted the Covid-19 pandemic, predicting in 2017 that a flu pandemic would at some unspecified point sweep the world.

He’s known for his doom-laden prophecies: He predicted that in 2018 there would be a terrorist attack on a British motorway, a revolution in North Korea that would dictator Kim Jong-Un, and drones would be used to drop chemical weapons on a European city.

Hamilton-Parker also claims to be able to contact the spirits of the dead, and spoke to the late Princess Diana in a TV show that was described as “exploitation at its very worst kind”.

He’s also known as the prophet of Brexit, predicting that the UK’s departure from the EU would lead to massive economic gains.

But he had bad news for Prince Andrew. He says that when he was communing with his sprit guides he foresaw “something awful” happening to the Duke of York.

“I think he will go through a psychological breakdown and it really hits him with the death of his mother and I see King Charles turning against him,” he told the Metro.


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