House Intel. Chair Turner: We haven’t heard anything about other objects because Biden doesn’t know what he’s doing

House Intel. Chair Turner: We haven’t heard anything about other objects because Biden doesn’t know what he’s doing


On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) stated that his committee hasn’t heard anything about the three objects shot down by the United States, “which just shows you that the administration really doesn’t have any idea what they’re doing here. They’re being reactive. They’re reacting to the criticism that they’ve received. They don’t have a policy.”

Host Neil Cavuto asked, [relevant exchange begins around 1:25] “Have you had any briefings since concerning these other objects?”

Turner responded, “No. And it is absolutely frustrating, because obviously, there — our committee and our members and our staff have ways of communicating with the administration. We’re the committee that is supposed to be receiving the intelligence that’s being generated, the notifications from the administration to Congress that are official about these types of threats. And we’re…


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