Pro-family leader hails legal victory forcing porn sites to crack down on underage access: ‘It can be done’

Pro-family leader hails legal victory forcing porn sites to crack down on underage access: ‘It can be done’


Terry Schilling, president of the conservative non-profit organization American Principles Project (APP), spoke with Fox News Digital on states moving forward on laws requiring pornography sites to verify the age of their users.

In June, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, R., signed into law a bill that mandates “reasonable age verification methods” for pornography sites while imposing civil penalties on entities allowing minors under 18 to access obscene material through the internet or social media.

Through this law, Texas became the seventh state to impose age verification laws on pornography sites, an accomplishment that Schilling celebrated.

“Texas was the crown jewel for us. It was the biggest state that we had. And there’s 7.5 million kids in Texas, so it was a really important fight. But we started working and building a coalition several years ago, and we were literally meeting with any pro-family groups, any pro-family activists across the country that would do that,” Schilling said.

He praised these legislative wins, however, the APP president said it was already illegal across all 50 states to deliver obscenity to anyone under 18 under federal law. The issue, Schilling stated, was enforcement.

“The real issue is that these laws at the federal level have not been enforced. And so what we wanted to do was build momentum at the state level, show that it can be done, use the laboratories of democracy, and then build up momentum to get the next attorney general of the United States to actually enforce these laws and require these companies to verify that these are actually adults, not children, that are viewing this obscene material,” Schilling said.

In response to age verification laws, Pornhub, under its parent company MindGeek, announced that it would shut access to users in Utah, Mississippi, and Virginia. Schilling commented that the pornography website’s actions could actually benefit their cause in the long run.

“What they’re betting on is that they’ll be able to create such an uproar by people that watch porn,” he said. 

Similar laws and restrictions have been passed in Arkansas and Montana, though Schilling says the work is far from over.

“We’d really like to get Florida done. We’d like to do something in Georgia. Ohio would be great… We’ve got it done in seven states right now. So, we have 43 more to go,” Schilling said.

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