Karine Jean-Pierre gets hammered over Hunter Biden plea deal falling apart


White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre attempted to head off questions about Hunter Biden by saying early during a press conference on Wednesday that “Hunter Biden is a private citizen, and this was a personal matter for him.”

“As we have said, the president, the first lady — they love their son, and they support him as he continues to rebuild his life,” she said. “So for anything further, as you know — and we’ve been very consistent from here — I’d refer you to the Department of Justice and to Hunter’s representatives, who is his legal team, obviously, who can address any of your questions.”

During the press conference, Jean-Pierre repeatedly dodged questions about the president’s son.

Jean-Pierre claimed that she has not spoken to Biden today. “He has been busy continuing to work on behalf of the American people, as he does every day, with internal meetings,” she claimed. “And so, I will leave it there.”

“Earlier this week, you said the president was never in business with his son,” a reporter later said. “But can you say specifically that the president did not have discussions of any kind with Hunter about his business dealings?”

“I appreciate the question,” KJP responded. “I’ve been asked this question multiple times in different various — variations in different ways. I — as you mentioned, I was asked this question multiple times on Monday. Nothing has changed. I don’t have anything to add to what I stated on Monday.”

A reporter later brought up the gun-related legal issues that Hunter Biden faces and asked what the president’s views were on the matter.

“President Biden has spent most of his political career working on gun laws, on gun reform,” the reporter said. “Does he believe that someone who is charged with possessing a firearm illegally should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law?”

“So, here, I’m going to be — I think I know where this question is going, and I’m just going to continue to say: As it relates to this — the case that we’re seeing in Delaware, I’m just going to not speak to that,” Jean-Pierre responded. “It is an independent matter. This is up for the Department of Justice.”

“Even with the question that you’re asking me, it’s up to — it’s up to — it’s a — it’s one of those legal, criminal matters,” she added. “And it’s up to that process — that legal process. I’m just not going to speak to it here.”

The reporter continued to press KJP on the issue. “As president, he talks often about the need to get illegal firearms off of our streets,” the reporter said. “So when someone possesses one illegally, what does the president believe should happen to them?”

“I’m going to be very mindful here,” KJP responded. “I’m going to be very careful because I see where this question is going. And I’m just going to refer you, as this has been an independent investigation — it’s overseen by the Department of Justice — I’m going to let them speak to this as they are moving forward.”


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