Sanders: Biden accomplished a lot, but 60% of people live paycheck to paycheck, health care is a disaster

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that President Joe Biden has accomplished a lot but claimed 60% of people were living paycheck to paycheck and that the health care system was a “total disaster.”

Sanders said, “The president has a right to be very proud of many of the accomplishments that we’ve achieved in the last three years—unemployment, very, very low. We’ve brought inflation down. We’re investing in clean energy. We’re rebuilding our infrastructure. We have made real progress in a number of years, but the reality is that today, 60% of our people are living paycheck-to-paycheck. We have massive levels of income and wealth inequality. Our health care system is a total disaster. Eighty-five million people uninsured, underinsured, while the insurance companies make huge profits. The cost of pharmaceutical drugs, precipitation drugs, sky high.”

He continued, “So the point is, in my view, the president should tout his very good record. We have got to continue to defend women’s right to control their own bodies. But we have to deal with the reality of life today. That’s what Roosevelt did in 1936. And that is to understand that we have massive levels of corporate greed in every part of society. The very rich are getting richer, working people are struggling.”

Sanders added, “We have got to make it clear, we’re going to stand with those workers and have a health care system that works for all, lower the cost of precipitation drugs, raise the minimum wage to a living wage. So I think that was the message of yesterday.”…


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