German minister accuses Putin of 'creating chaos' by slashing gas supplies to Europe

Germany‘s economy minister has accused Russian energy giant Gazprom of mounting an ‘attack’ on his nation after it slashed its supply of gas to Europe.

‘The reduction of gas deliveries via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline is an attack on us, an economic attack on us,’ Robert Habeck said in a speech to a German industry conference earlier today.

Gazprom said last week it would reduce supplies of the fuel to Germany via the pipeline due to delayed repairs, but the German government has called the decision ‘political’ amid the widespread European support for Ukraine following Putin‘s invasion.

As a result of the cut, Germany, Austria and the Netherlands decided to reactivate mothballed coal power plants to reduce their gas consumption.

Germany has also mandated the filling of gas reserves to 90 per cent ahead of the European winter, to hedge against a further reduction in supply.

‘When we go into the winter with half full gas stores and the taps are turned off then we are talking about a…


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