Bill Cosby loses sex assault lawsuit

The disgraced entertainer was accused of abusing a 16-year-old girl at the Playboy Mansion

Jurors have found that comedian Bill Cosby sexually abused a young girl at the Playboy Mansion in 1975, awarding $500,000 to his accuser following days of deliberation. A series of women have come forward with similar allegations in recent years, resulting in a 2018 prison sentence that was later overturned.

In a verdict reached on Tuesday, a civil jury in California agreed that Cosby, then 37-years-old, intentionally engaged in “sexually offensive contact” with accuser Judy Huth, who was just 16 at the time of the incident in 1975. 

Now 64, Huth said she met Cosby in Los Angeles while he was filming a scene for the movie ‘Let’s Do It Again,’ and that he later invited her and a friend to the Playboy Mansion, as the entertainer was then close with the late Playboy kingpin Hugh Hefner. She alleged Cosby gave her alcohol “as part of a game,” and…


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