Michigan congressman's campaign office targeted by Jane's Revenge

Michigan congressman's campaign office targeted by Jane's Revenge


Pro-abortion activists have threatened a night of rage when the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v Wade comes down. This assumes that the leaked draft of an opinion written by Justice Alito will be the final ruling of the Supreme Court in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case. Violent attacks credited to a group called Jane’s Revenge have already begun and the latest attack reported is one on the campaign headquarters of Rep. Tim Walberg, a Republican running for re-election in Michigan.

Walberg, a former pastor, is running for his eighth term in Congress. His office in Jackson, Michigan is located in a building shared with Jackson Right to Life. Both offices were vandalized, as was a house near the office. Jackson Police and Fire Services Director Elmer Hitt said that a sign near the building’s entrance was defaced with pink spray paint and multiple windows on the front side of the building were smashed. The front door was smashed. There was no evidence that anyone entered the building. The house nearby was also defaced with spray paint and “Jane’s Revenge” was written with the paint. No suspects have been identified.

Rep. Walberg is not deterred.

“I never shy away from my record as a strong conservative and defender of life,” Walberg said. “This strong record puts me in the crosshairs from those on the radical left, but I will never stand down or compromise my convictions and knowing the people at Jackson Right to Life, this will only strengthen their determination to protect the unborn.

“Proudly, I’ve been consistently rated as Michigan’s most conservative congressman by the American Conservative Union and despite this attempted intimidation, I will continue to fight for our principles and will stand strongly against the culture of violence and death,” Walberg said.

Walberg said it is shameful that Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi refuse to condemn the actions of Jane’s Revenge and other threats of domestic terrorism made by pro-abortion activists. Democrat Rep. Debbie Dingell did speak out against the attack on Walberg’s office, though. She condemned the vandalism in a news release. She noted that freedom of speech does not include freedom to commit violence. Her own office in Dearborn has been targeted with vandalism and she’s received threats in the past.

“The normalization of political violence in our country is deeply disturbing and poses a dangerous threat to the sanctity of our democracy,” Dingell said. “Are we really going to become a nation that accepts political violence as our new normal? We cannot continue down this path where anger trumps civility and hatred trumps respect. It’s not only anti-democratic, it is anti-American.”

Walberg serves Michigan’s 7th District but is running for election in the newly drawn 5th Congressional district.

Law enforcement and pro-life organizations are on high alert for potential domestic terrorism when the Supreme Court’s ruling is announced. It could happen today, and if it does, Jane’s Revenge has sent out word that its supporters should gather at 8:00 p.m. wherever they live and have their night of rage. While Rep. Dingell says…


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