Un-brie-lievable! Vegan cheese has 'little nutritional value', expert says 

For many people, the hardest things about going vegan is giving up cheese.

In recent years food manufacturers have tried to recreate the creamy taste and moist texture – without the dairy.

But as well as not tasting like the real thing, vegan cheeses are also worse for your health, according to an expert.

Plant-based substitutes have ‘little nutritional value’ and contain far more bad fats than the original.

And it’s because manufacturers try too hard to make vegan cheese melt like the real deal, according to nutritionist Richard Hoffman, from Hertfordshire University.

They are often made using plant oils that are high in saturated fat and bad cholesterol and void of any vitamins or minerals. 

Eating too much could raise the risk of heart disease and other health problems, like weak bones, according to Mr Hoffman. 

He said many people expect the vegan substitute to be ‘as nutritious as dairy cheese’.

‘But because many manufacturers are focused on making the cheese taste, look and even…


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