Abortion ruling triggers ‘violent extremism’ warning

Abortion ruling triggers ‘violent extremism’ warning

The repeal of Roe v. Wade is ‘likely’ to stoke violent unrest in the United States, the DHS’s intelligence wing said

The US Department of Homeland Security has predicted a spike in “domestic violent extremism” in response to a Supreme Court ruling which overturned federal abortion protections, according to a memo obtained by Axios. 

The DHS’s intelligence unit issued a message to law enforcement agencies, first responders and “private sector partners” on Friday warning of renewed violence over the Roe v. Wade decision, which has already triggered protests in the nation’s capital and other cities across the country. 

Supreme Court justices and other government officials are “those most at risk,” the memo added, pointing to acts of violence by pro-abortion group ‘Jane’s Revenge,’ as well as an alleged plot to assassinate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who voted to overturn the landmark abortion case on Thursday.


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