Biden anounces G7 will ban Russian gold in response to Ukraine war

Biden anounces G7 will ban Russian gold in response to Ukraine war

President Joe Biden announced on Sunday that the United States and its G7 allies will ban imports of Russian gold in another attempt to cut off Vladimir Putin‘s funding for his war in th Ukraine. 

Biden is seeking to strangle Putin financially in order to end the invasion. The gold ban comes as Russian continues to rake in billions from oil sales despite bans from the U.S. and other western nations. 

Gold, after oil, is Russia’s biggest revenue generator. 

‘The United States has imposed unprecedented costs on Putin to deny him the revenue he needs to fund his war against Ukraine,’ Biden wrote on Twitter.

‘Together, the G7 will announce that we will ban the import of Russian gold, a major export that rakes in tens of billions of dollars for Russia.’

A formal announcement was expected Tuesday. 

President Joe Biden announced on Sunday that the United States and its G7 allies will ban imports of Russian gold

Boris Johnson

Vladimir Putin

The G7 countries re banning imports of Russian gold as UK…


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