Wreck of French steamship that sunk in 1856 discovered off New England coast

Wreck of French steamship that sunk in 1856 discovered off New England coast

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — The French steamship Le Lyonnais, a marvel for its time, was feared lost forever when a maritime disaster in 1856 sent her to the bottom of the ocean off Massachusetts.

Generations later, a marine salvage crew is ready to write the next chapter in the history of the passenger liner, which was built as the Age of Sail was yielding to steamships. New Jersey marine salvage firm Atlantic Wreck Salvage found the wreck of Le Lyonnais about 200 miles (322 kilometers) off New Bedford, Massachusetts, in late August.

The discovery of the steamship follows years of work to locate it and also represents a new beginning, said Jennifer Sellitti, a spokesperson for Atlantic Wreck Salvage and a crew member on D/V Tenacious, the vessel the company uses for dives and salvages. The next steps are to document the wreck site, map it and determine what artifacts can be brought to the surface, Sellitti said.

“Finding it in some ways…


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