Belgian Prime Minister slams Pope Francis for Church’s sex abuse legacy in harsh welcome

BRUSSELS – In an unprecedented display of public criticism, Belgian leaders delivered scathing rebukes to Pope Francis on Friday, confronting the pontiff over the Catholic Church’s long-standing sexual abuse crisis as he began his visit to the country.

Prime Minister Alexander De Croo set a combative tone in his welcome speech, departing sharply from the usual diplomatic niceties that characterize such occasions. De Croo demanded “concrete steps” from the Vatican to address its past and prioritize the interests of abuse victims over those of the institution.

“The time for empty words and hollow promises is over,” De Croo declared. “The victims deserve more than apologies. They deserve action, transparency, and justice.”

The Prime Minister’s unusually forthright address was echoed by Belgium’s King Philippe, who called on the Church to work “incessantly” to atone for its crimes and assist in the healing of victims.

These pointed remarks underscore the enduring impact of the clerical abuse scandal in Belgium, a traditionally Catholic country where two decades of revelations have severely eroded the Church’s credibility and influence.

Since the early 2000s, Belgium has been rocked by a series of investigations and reports detailing widespread sexual abuse within the Catholic Church, along with systematic efforts to cover up these crimes. The scale of the abuse and the perceived inadequacy of the Church’s response have contributed to a significant decline in religious practice and the Church’s standing in Belgian society.

Pope Francis, who has made addressing the global abuse crisis a priority of his papacy, appeared taken aback by the forcefulness of the Belgian leaders’ statements. While the pontiff has previously acknowledged the Church’s failings and introduced reforms to canon law, many critics argue that these steps fall short of what is needed to address the scale of the problem.



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