Obama third term? His fingerprints are everywhere

Obama third term? His fingerprints are everywhere


There is an abundance of the problems facing both America and the world today, and Barack Obama’s fingerprints are all over them. If you think because he no longer serves as the “official” president he is not highly influential, you aren’t paying attention. 

Many Americans believed Barack Obama did not have America’s best interests at heart when he was president and wanted to fundamentally change America. Initially, in addition to him uttering that “change has come to America” during his victory speech on election night in 2008, this stemmed from Obama’s omission of the words “God” and “creator” while quoting speeches that included them, sending White House “Holiday” cards in lieu of “Merry Christmas” ones, his embrace of the ideologies of Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky (1st of 8 steps to socialism is to control the healthcare, anyone?), and of course his characterization of the Constitution as “fundamentally flawed.” While those were valid reasons, they pale in comparison to his potentially treasonous behavior while he was president, and the fallout still unfolding from it today. 

President Trump’s claim that Obama spied on his campaign was labeled as another crazy tweet spree fueled by “baseless conspiracy theories.” The left determined it was too implausible for a smooth, charismatic, and egocentric man like Obama to be involved in such an implicating scheme while serving as the most powerful person on earth. However, the Durham report proved that President Obama knew the Hillary Clinton plot to use a fake dossier alleging Trump was colluding with Russia to surveil Trump’s 2016 campaign was a hoax. Despite knowing about this manufactured conspiracy, Obama not only allowed it to occur but also furthered the rumors by claiming Russia hacked the election. And just last month, a whistleblower came forward accusing Obama and Joe Biden of using the American judicial system to cover up their crimes while in office, which include a treasonous influence peddling scheme to enrich Biden and his family.

If ever questioned on the above matters, Obama would surely hide behind plausible deniability (no matter how not believable it would be for a sitting president to claim unawareness).  But his hasty support of an unconstitutional regime change in Ukraine in 2014 cannot be as easily hidden under the guise of ignorance.  

In early 2014, Ukraine underwent a tumultuous changing of the guard when President Viktor Yanukovych was removed from power. The Ukraine Parliament (the Verkhovna Rada) did not follow the proper procedure that their constitution requires. The procedure is time-consuming and requires the Rada to create a special investigative commission to find evidence that justifies the president’s removal. Once concluded, at least two-thirds of the Rada must vote to impeach. Then, the Constitutional Court must review the case and certify the constitutional procedure and verify the acts the president is being accused of are worthy of impeachment. Once this is conducted, at least three-quarters of the Rada must vote in favor. Despite these clearly defined parameters, they were not implemented.  


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