Jack Smith swears Donald Trump will pay for Joe Biden’s crimes

In the wake of damning testimony linking president and venal houseplant Joe Biden to a multi-million dollar influence peddling scheme, the Justice Department has indicted Donald Trump again. The day after Devon Archer told congress that Joe Biden personally helped his son Hunter bilk millions of dollars from businesses and hostile foreign nations, Federal Prosecutor Jack Smith charged Trump with three counts of saying stuff.

The DOJ’s rapid fire response to Archer’s testimony implicating the president in his son’s sleazy pay-to-play schemes confirmed Jack Smith’s commitment to seeking justice against Trump without delay. For instance, on June 8th, the day after Congress released evidence that Joe Biden had taken bribes from a Ukrainian oligarch, Smith immediately indicted Trump for keeping classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. On July 27th, the day after Hunter Biden’s crooked sweetheart deal fell apart in open court, Smith piled some more charges onto the indictment. Smith swears that he will continue to act swiftly to bring Trump to justice whenever the Bidens are exposed doing anything illegal.

The new indictments center around prosecutor Smith’s complex legal theory that “he ain’t got no badges, but he don’t need no badges, because he don’t got to show you no stinking badges.” Speaking to a reporter from NBC news, while the reporter lay on his back and Smith scratched his tummy, Smith explained he’d indicted Trump because Trump claimed he had “actually won” the 2020 election and that “These claims were false.”

The new indictments center around prosecutor Smith’s complex legal theory that “he ain’t got no badges, but he don’t need no badges, because he don’t got to show you no stinking badges.” Speaking to a reporter from NBC news, while the reporter lay on his back and Smith scratched his tummy, Smith explained he’d indicted Trump because Trump claimed he had “actually won” the 2020 election and that “These claims were false.”

Thus according to this complex legal theory, a statement made by a politician that Jack Smith believes is false is not covered by the First Amendment’s guarantee of Free Speech. To give an example, if a politician were to say, “Jack Smith is a corrupt dirtbag who’s willing to tear up the Constitution to get at his political enemies,” that politician could be indicted because Jack Smith is a corrupt dirtbag who’s willing to tear up the Constitution to get at his political enemies. So, okay, maybe that’s not such a good example. But you get the idea. I think at this point, we all get the idea.

News outlets across the media political spectrum, from the Left all the way to the far-Left, reacted to the news of Joe Biden’s widespread corruption by breaking off their coverage of women’s soccer to announce the Trump indictments. On Knucklehead Row, the op-ed page of the New York Times, a former newspaper, editor-in-chief Blithering Prevarication the Third wrote, “The prosecution of Donald Trump for saying things may sound unconstitutional but I don’t care because Trump is a doody-head and I hate, hate, hate him so, so much and he has cooties and smells like poo.”


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