So sad as Amarachi never knew that “Where there is life, there is hope” -By Isaac Asabor

So sad as Amarachi never knew that “Where there is life, there is hope” -By Isaac Asabor


It is no more news that a female staff of Globus Bank, Amarachi Ugochukwu, has reportedly committed suicide at the bank’s branch in Ikorodu, Lagos leaving virtually everyone that heard the sad news brooding over what demon might had pushed her to commit the devilish act despite the wisdom that is inherent in the aphorism that says “Where there is life, there is hope.” In a similar vein, Maya Angelou’s saying that “No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow” would have been helpful to her. However, it is so sad that she seemingly did not know of the foregoing sayings that would have kept her in check.

As virally reported, the deceased in a suicide note she left behind alluded to the worsening economic situation in the country for her actions, and thus she took her last breath after consuming a dangerous chemical.

News reports had it that she indicated that nothing was working in her life, and that her future seemed dreary coupled with life-threatening adversity and having to be thriving under an insalubrious economy. Against the foregoing gloomy situation she was faced with, she wrote that rather than continue to struggle, she chose to end her life while apologizing to her family and friends for her decision.

In as much as it will not be apropos in this context to resort to blaming her for taking her life, it is germane to opine that the possibility exists that had she made a call to a friend or family member, or received a call, perhaps the shocking heartbreak she left her loved ones with, and dismal reminiscences that would always characterize her memorial by each passing year, unarguably from next year and therefrom, would not speak well of her earthly journey as her devilish act might have been averted, and who knows, she would have still been alive. Again, who knows if she had posted a cryptic message on any of the social media platform she was subscribed to that her death might have been averted.

However, while Nigerians continue to mourn her, and in the same breath learn a lesson or two from her death, it is expedient to urge those who are alive and depressed and thus having suicidal thoughts to perish the thoughts as suicide is one million times more of a tragedy than the erroneous solution those who see it as a way out from the vicissitude of life think it is.

Against the foregoing backdrop, it is expedient to counsel those that have suicidal disposition that they should always have it at the back of their minds that where there is life there is hope.

The reason for the foregoing advice cannot be farfetched as it is believed in the Christendom that hope is one of the utmost words of the Christian faith. It is one word the unsaved man cannot use, because there is no hope for the unsaved according to the Bible in Ephesian chapter.2 verse 11 to 13.

Therefore, if you are reading this opinion article at the moment and you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, it is expedient to say that your hope begins with that step. If you want to take that step but you don’t really understand what that means and how to do it, endeavor to join a bible believing church as such move would enable you to become a friend of God. The reason for the foregoing view cannot be farfetched as being a Christian imbues you with hope because your life would be in Christ, provided you would be sincere with your faith.

Against the foregoing scriptural backdrop, it is pragmatic to assure those that are miserable that there are at least four sources of Hope for the believer.

For instance, there is hope because of salvation as enshrined in Roman 5:1-2, even as every Christian have been justified by faith, which mean they have right standing before God through Christ and they also have access into the grace of God. In the same nexus, it is germane to say that with Christ, a Christian have the privilege of rejoicing in hope. It is not a vague dream, it is not a feeling but an assurance and a certainty.  The reason for the foregoing cannot be discounted as anyone that is in the Christendom is saved by faith through Christ, even if he or she dies right now, there is a blessed assurance that such person will be ushered and welcomed into the blessed presence of God.

Not only that, anyone that is in the Christendom also have hope in suffering as stated in Roman chapter 5 from verse 3 to 4. The foregoing scripture says “Tribulation worketh patience and patience experience and experience hope…”  Thus, suffering cannot break anyone because of his or her relationship with God and his or her access to His grace or power. Suffering makes the unbeliever give up all hopes. It is not so and should not be so for a believer. When it is known that suffering produces character in a person, then such person should have the hope to confidently face sufferings. When a Christian suffers, he or she rejoices in hope because it is known that God is in control. The darker the night is, the brighter the stars of God’s promises gleams. His promises stand out brightly in front of us as we face our daily challenges and as we cling unto them even as hope will never varnish.  In fact, Roman 8: 17 says that to suffer with Christ is to be glorified with Him, so the hope to be glorified with Christ should help us to face of trials with joy.

The believers also have hope because of the scriptures (Rom.15: 4). No book inspires faith and encouragement like the scriptures. As you read the stories of God’s dealing with His people in the Bible you find your faith growing stronger and stronger. The Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God (Roman10: 17). You have hope in life because you are saved, you have God’s promises in your tribulation, you have access to His grace and power and you have a Bible. Plug into your sources of Hope as you are reading this piece.

In fact, there is hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. One last source of hope that cannot be skipped in this context is the Holy Spirit, Who is our Helper and guide. For example, He will use the word anyone read to increase his or her hope as Paul prayed in Romans 15 verse 13. It says, “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope…



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