CRIME KILLER ROMANCES: World’s deadliest couples and gruesome crime sprees from Fred and Rose to the Ken and Barbie murderers

CRIME KILLER ROMANCES: World’s deadliest couples and gruesome crime sprees from Fred and Rose to the Ken and Barbie murderers

Daily Star

Thursday will mark the 55th anniversary of the day the Moors murderers were found guilty.

On May 6 1966, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley were both sentenced to life imprisonment for their depraved crimes that saw five children murdered in and around Manchester.

The UK case attracted worldwide attention, due in part to the twisted romance between Brady and Hindley.

But they’re far from the only killer couple whose murderous impulses seem to have only been enflamed by their burning passion for each other.

Here are six of the deadliest couples of all time, whose twisted romances ended with either prison or death.

Ian Brady and Myra Hindley

The UK’s deadliest couple met when 18-year-old Hindley got a job as a typist at Millwards, the chemical distribution company where Brady, 22, was employed.

She became infatuated with him and the two began a relationship that quickly turned toxic.

Obsessed with Nazis, Hindley dyed her hair platinum blonde to look more Aryan. The pair plotted bank robberies and took erotic photos of each other, but it wasn’t until 1963 that they began to talk about murder.

The UK’s deadliest couple met when 18-year-old Hindley got a job as a typist at Millwards, the chemical distribution company where Brady, 22, was employed.

She became infatuated with him and the two began a relationship that quickly turned toxic.

Obsessed with Nazis, Hindley dyed her hair platinum blonde to look more Aryan. The pair plotted bank robberies and took erotic photos of each other, but it wasn’t until 1963 that they began to talk about murder.

They killed their first victim, Pauline Reade, in July after Hindley persuaded the 16-year-old to help look for her glove in her car. She drove the teen to Saddleworth Moor where Brady sexually assaulted her and cut her throat.

Her body was buried on the moor and wasn’t found until 1987. The couple went on to kill John Kilbride, 12, Keith Bennett, 12, Lesley Ann Downey, 10, and Edward Evans, 17.

Brady, who died in prison in 2017, once told a journalist that he and Hindley became bored with murder and plotted more ways they could cause torment, once contemplating starting a “small race war” in Manchester.

They were arrested in October 1965 and charged with the murders of Evans, Downey and Kilbride. The following year Brady was found guilty of all three and Hindley for two.

Brady was taken to HM Prison Durham and Hindley to HM Prison Holloway, where she died in 2002.

Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka

Paul Bernardo, 23, was already a serial rapist when he met Karla Homolka, 17, in Toronto in the mid-1980s.

Twisted Bernardo was dismayed to discover his girlfriend wasn’t a virgin, so Homolka offered up her 15-year-old sister Tammy’s virginity instead.

The depraved couple, later known as the “Ken and Barbie killers”, tied her up and filmed themselves abusing her for hours before Tammy choked on her own vomit and died.

It was their first kill as a couple, but wouldn’t be their last. They went on to murder Leslie Mahaffy, 14, and Kristen French, 15, both schoolgirls who suffered similar ordeals to Tammy.

Meanwhile Bernardo continued to rape women alone and his DNA finally ended up in the police’s hands. After he beat Homolka she struck a plea deal with the authorities, exchanging testimony for a lighter sentence.

Paul was sentenced to life in prison and his parole request was denied in 2018, while Homolka served 12 years and was released in 2007 and is now a mum of three.

Fred and Rose West

Read the full story in Daily Star


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