Tales from inside ‘sex-fest’ Olympic Village where randy athletes blow off steam – and Tokyo 2020 will be no different

Tales from inside ‘sex-fest’ Olympic Village where randy athletes blow off steam – and Tokyo 2020 will be no different

The Sun

THE world’s top athletes are congregating in Tokyo’s Olympic Village and many will be eyeing up the opposition… literally.

While they will be dreaming of winning a medal and doing their country proud, they might get up to more than that in the Harumi waterfront district.

For many stars Tokyo 2020 will offer sex on tap – with these chiselled and perfectly shaped hopefuls looking for a release away from the pressures of performing at the highest level.

Officially, sex is off the menu after Olympic officials banned love-making in the Village.

But even though the cardboard-made beds the athletes will be sleeping on have been designed to dissuade them from bunking up together, you can bet that won’t deter some from participating in wild romps, like their predecessors.


Ex-German athlete Susen Tiedtke, now 52, competed in Olympics in 1992 and 2000.

She revealed that it would be impossible to impose a sex ban in the Village.

Tiedtke told Bild: “[The ban] is a big laughing stock for me, it doesn’t work at all.”

“Sex is always an issue in the Village.

“The athletes are at their physical peak at the Olympics. When the competition is over, they want to release their energy.

“There is one party after another, then alcohol comes into play. It happens that people have sex and there are enough people who strive for that.”

[The ban] is a big laughing stock for me, it doesn’t work at all. Sex is always an issue in the village.”


Former table-tennis star Matthew Syed, now 50, admitted he wasn’t always an attractive prospect to the opposite sex.

However, that didn’t matter at Barcelona ’92, where he made his Olympic debut. He said he had more sex in his time in the Village than he’d had in his entire life before that moment.

“I am often asked if the Olympic Village – the vast restaurant and housing conglomeration that hosts the world’s top athletes for the duration of the Games – is the sex-fest it is cracked up to be,” he wrote in The Times.

“My answer is always the same: too right it is. I played my first Games in Barcelona in 1992 and got laid more often in those two and a half weeks than in the rest of my life up to that point.

“That is to say twice, which may not sound a lot, but for a 21-year-old undergraduate with crooked teeth, it was a minor miracle.

“Barcelona was, for many of us Olympic virgins, as much about sex as it was about sport.”


Even though sex is banned this year, Tokyo chiefs have organised 160,000 condoms to be made available at the athletes’ Village to ‘raise awareness’ of safe sex.

Previously at Rio 2016, a staggering 450,000 condoms were ordered for the athletes’ Village.

The London Olympics were called the ‘raunchiest Games’, however just 150,000 prophylactics were distributed among the performers.

The first reports stem to Seoul 1988 when 8,500 condoms were distributed. Many were found on the roofs of the Village residences leading to an official Olympic ban on outdoor sex.

But that doesn’t stop many from being daring.

US footballer Hope Solo told ESPN she saw athletes having “sex right out in the open”.

The goalkeeper also said she had intimate relations with a celebrity, but wouldn’t reveal who.

American shooter Josh Lakatos, a star of the 2000 Olympics, revealed, “I’ve never witnessed so much debauchery in my entire life,” after his experience in Sydney.

While in the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, ESPN reported that six athletes enjoyed an orgy in a hot tub.


In Harumi, athletes might have to take their conquests away from their bedrooms because their beds certainly won’t be sturdy enough for two or even three participants.

Organisers have installed cardboard beds to stop people having sex in what is an extreme method to prevent the spread of Covid.

Athletes will sleep in single beds, with decoration kept to a minimum within the Covid secure bubble.

And the manufacturers of the socially-distanced beds have advised that each can only hold the weight of two people – in what served as a stark warning against threesomes.

The Tokyo organisers are also committed to being as eco-friendly as possible, with each bed built from recycled cardboard.

A spokesperson for Airweave, who made the beds, said: “We’ve conducted experiments, like dropping weights on top of the beds.

“As long as they stick to just two people in the bed, they should be strong enough to support the load.”

However, they might just be sturdy enough for a work-out, with Irish athlete Rhys McClenaghan jumping up and down on the bed to show how much they could withstand.

Read the full story in The Sun


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