SHARKS CIRCLE WEST Putin, Iran & Kim smell ‘weak’ Biden’s blood over Afghan chaos leaving world in more danger than ever before

SHARKS CIRCLE WEST Putin, Iran & Kim smell ‘weak’ Biden’s blood over Afghan chaos leaving world in more danger than ever before

The Sun

TYRANTS across the world are set to exploit America’s weakness following the shambolic fall of Afghanistan, experts warn.

As Joe Biden’s US retreats, countries such as Iran, China, Russia and North Korea are forging ahead with ramping up their military — at a pace that until recently would have sparked alarm bells in Washington DC.

After Al-Qaeda hijackers slaughtered nearly 3,000 people on September 11, 2001, the US almost instantly launched its “war on terror”.

Not long after President George W Bush vowed to battle against “weapons of mass destruction” and the “Axis of Evil” which included Iran and North Korea.

But nearly 20 years on, the chaotic fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban has, for now at least, shattered the post-Cold War image of the invincible US mega-power.

Meanwhile, emboldened foes of the West such as Russia, China, Iran and North Korea can now smell blood in the water and are circling.

Already, they are racing to create massive weapons arsenals — just as American steps back as the world’s policeman.

Whether it is a new world order, it might be more like a ‘new world of disorder’… it could get quite turbulent for a while

Dr Nigel Gould-DaviesInternational Institute For Strategic Studies

Dr Nigel Gould-Davies, a senior analyst with the International Institute for Strategic Studies, told The Sun Online the chaotic fall of Afghanistan would be viewed as American weakness.


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