EXPLAINER: These greeting gestures may land you in trouble with cultists

EXPLAINER: These greeting gestures may land you in trouble with cultists


Have you ever mulled over what could earn you a deadly stare or death threats from certain folks? Well, mimicking a cultist can get you in trouble.

Recently, FIJ reported how some cultists suspected to be members of the Black Axe confraternity in Anambra State killed one Nonso Okoye for imitating their greeting.

Although Okoye was not an axeman (a Black Axe member), he was no stranger to the world of cultists. He was a member of the rival Supreme Vikings Confraternity, Vikings for short.

His offence, as gathered, was that he had earlier greeted a Black Axe member as though he were a fellow axeman.

In one video of the deceased, FIJ found that his right wrist was cut off. This was the hand he had used to greet a Black Axe member.


It is a known fact that rival cults across Nigeria often engage in supremacy battles, and Anambra State is no exception.

Amid the tension between axemen and vikings, FIJ gathered, Okoye’s actions enraged some members of the Black Axe and they went after him.

FIJ had access to another video of Okoye while he was alive. He was in a club with some friends when he and an axeman shook hands with their thumb and index forming a seven-like shape, while the remaining three fingers were folded in a fist.

If a rival cultist could get into trouble for this, what do you think would happen to non-members?

The number ‘seven’ is important to the Black Axe cult. It describes the shape of an axe, which is their confraternity’s symbol.

An axeman can acknowledge the presence of another member by lightly tapping his right index finger on the left index. This is usually used to avoid unwanted attention.


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