How cartel drugs barons ‘trained’ Albanian gangs to flood UK with cocaine – thanks to ‘crucial’ secret link

How cartel drugs barons ‘trained’ Albanian gangs to flood UK with cocaine – thanks to ‘crucial’ secret link


CARTEL drugs barons trained up Albanian gangsters to flood the UK with cocaine after setting up “crucial” secret links, an expert has revealed.

Albanian crews rule the drugs underworld in the UK – from London & Manchester to Scotland – but they learned the brutal tricks of the trade after flying out to Latin America more than a decade ago.

It was here that they set up a secret network – sending out their own “ambassadors” to live permanently and keep the supply of cocaine flowing, an expert has revealed.

Years after first setting foot in Mexico and Colombia the gangs are using their contacts to mimic the long success of the Italian mafia.

Britain has become such a lucrative market for cocaine that “freelancers” in Latin America are in bloody competition to broker deals between the cartels and UK gangs.

A drugs gang expert told The Sun: “Their relationship is successful. Despite some murders, it has been very successful. 

“The fact we see a lot of shipments arriving in Europe which the Albanians have got control of shows it is up and running. 

“It’s a solid and well-established connection between the Albanians and the cartels.”


But while their pockets swell with cash – the gangs’ bloody battles have spilled out onto the streets of London.

Last week two children were shot in a horrifying drive-by shotgun attack at a funeral near Euston Station in central London.


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