Naira Scarcity:Pregnant woman dies in Kano hospital over payment alerts delay

Naira Scarcity:Pregnant woman dies in Kano hospital over payment alerts delay


A pregnant woman in Kano, Shema’u Sani Labaran, has died in the Abdullahi Wase Specialist Hospital over alleged negligence from doctors as a result of the new naira policy crisis.

The late woman’s husband, Malam Bello Fancy, said her death was as a result of delay in transfer made to the bank and that the doctors didn’t attend to his wife for more than three hours.

Recall that the Kano State Government warned marketers, supermarkets and the public against rejecting old naira notes in the state, saying it would shut down and revoke the licence of any business enterprise found in the act.

However, it was gathered from residents that some institutions, including government-owned, filling stations and marketers have been rejecting the old notes, including hospitals that battle with emergencies.

Speaking to Freedom Radio, Malam Fancy, said he took his wife to the hospital when she was about to deliver, but that the hospital rejected his old naira notes and also had no POS, hence that they asked him to deposit the money in their account.

He said although he transferred the money and got debited, the doctors on duty didn’t touch his wife as they said they must see the alert in their account, which took almost three hours.



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