VIDEO: ‘Sound of hell’ recorded as scientists make discovery digging ‘world’s deepest hole’

VIDEO: ‘Sound of hell’ recorded as scientists make discovery digging ‘world’s deepest hole’


An ambitious project of drilling the “deepest hole in the world” has led to claims that the “sounds of hell” have been heard.

In the 1970s, the Soviets launched a project known as the “Kola Superdeep Borehole” in Murmansk near the border with Finland.

Scientists and geologists started the drilling on May 24, 1970 and reached 12,200 metres (49,000ft) down towards the Earth’s crust.

HOLE TO HELL | Screams Recorded at the Bottom of the Deepest Borehole

The Kola Superdeep Borehole is the result of a scientific drilling project of the Soviet Union in the Pechengsky District, on the Kola Peninsula.Which was said to witness some creepy sounds The Kola borehole penetrated about a third of the way through the Baltic Shield continental crust, estimated to be around 35 kilometres (22 mi) deep The project has been a site of extensive geophysical examinations.

And one audio clip left people haunted as people referred it to sounds of “people burning in hell”.

The 17-second voice memo was alleged to be recorded by a team of scientists who wrapped several heat-resistant microphones and lowered it into the hole.



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