Tragic life of world's youngest mum who had baby aged five – and got 'no help'

Tragic life of world's youngest mum who had baby aged five – and got 'no help'


Lina Medina gave birth at just five years old – when she was still a child herself.

In a case that shocked the world, she became the world’s youngest mother in 1939.

Lina was a Peruvian girl who lived in a remote Andes village.

And initially, her life seemed normal in comparison to other children her age.

Concerns weren’t raised about her welfare until stomach started to enlarge – with her bewildered parents fearing she had an abdominal tumour.

Her father ended up carrying her to a hospital, where it was discovered she was seven months pregnant.

Bizarrely, Lina gave birth to a healthy son via Caesarean section weeks later on May 14 1939.

Gobsmacked medics concluded that Lina had a rare condition called precocious puberty.

This means she was showing signs of puberty from an early age, with her mum reportedly saying she was having periods by the time she was three.

Lina developed adult sexual organs as a toddler – before she was raped and impregnated.

After her baby boy Gerardo, named after the doctor who delivered him, was born weighing 6lbs, suspicions turned to the man who molested her.

Her own father Tilburelo was then arrested on suspicion of incest – but he was later released over a lack of evidence.

It has never been revealed who the boy’s father was and Lina and her family lived out their lives in private rather than sharing their story publicly


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