Danger within: How blood-thirsty house helps kill bosses in cold blood

Danger within: How blood-thirsty house helps kill bosses in cold blood


Several housemaids employed to assist with household chores have increasingly posed significant risks to their employers. Reports of maids physically and sexually abusing children, poisoning, and even murdering their employers have become alarmingly common. GODFREY GEORGE investigates this troubling trend, uncovering the underlying causes and the impact on families

“Why would you urinate in my teacup? Is there no toilet in your room? Why are you this wicked?” thundered Aisha’s madam, her voice quivering with anger and disbelief.

The scene, captured in a viral video that trended on July 7, 2024, showed a woman in Abuja confronting her young housemaid after discovering the shocking act.

The maid, a girl in her teens, had been caught on CCTV urinating into her madam’s teacup.

After performing the disgusting act, she nonchalantly poured the contents into the kitchen sink and placed the mug back on the rack.

The CCTV footage didn’t end there. On another occasion, the maid was seen sneaking into the kitchen, stuffing various food items—milk, salt, rice, spaghetti, and more—into a black bag, which she then hid under a table.

The video further revealed her opening the fridge, using her bare hands to eat stored food directly from the plates, and then returning the remnants to the fridge.

After each act, she would wipe her hands on her dress and proceed with her duties as if nothing had happened.

When confronted by her madam, the maid broke down in tears, pleading desperately for forgiveness.

“Please, forgive me. I beg you in Allah’s name. I won’t do it again. Please, forgive me,” she sobbed, her voice trembling.

The madam, her patience and trust shattered, remained resolute.

“You will be taken to the police station,” she declared, her voice firm despite the emotional turmoil evident on her face.

The incident, highlighted by the raw footage and the emotional confrontation, underscores the complex dynamics and the breach of trust that can occur between employers and their domestic staff.

Reacting to the video, a Nairaland user, Point Zerom, said, “The worst people to keep in your home are strangers called maids.

“You can never satisfy them, even if you punish her together with your own children, she’ll view her punishment as hatred and wickedness towards her.

“The moment you finally send her home, you’ll be shocked at what she’ll tell people that you did to her, including raping or trying to rape her.”

Another user, Omo Awoke, said it did not seem like the maid in the video meant any harm.

“She is just lazy and dirty. She used the mug to urinate, emptied it in the sink, and washed it. But seriously, some people in third-world countries are a disaster to humanity.

“Humanity does not deserve poverty, as poverty causes oppression and human rights to be trampled upon. I imagine who you would be in the United States/United Kingdom/Canada to hire a full-time housemaid.

“If you can afford one, she will be well-paid and will know her rights. You can’t oppress anybody cheaply like that, no matter who you are.

“She’s your staff, and if she does something wrong, the best thing to do is to call the police to settle the matter, not harass her. I hope Africa will work someday and poverty and illiteracy will end.”

Another user, Elevation D, speaking, noted that the young maid was lazy and dirty.

“That was an act of laziness or dirtiness. If that was her own mug, would she urinate in it, wash it, and keep it as if nothing was wrong? Why not take her bath in the kitchen or poop inside the mug?

“She definitely knew what she was doing and thought she could get away with that irresponsible act. Thank God for CCTV. It has saved many families from the evil intentions of too many so-called housemaids. I do not understand the Hausa language, but the image was enough to form my opinion that the girl was purely wicked with such an act.

“Did you not notice that the cup was not washed with soap? She simply rinsed it with water and placed it on the table. She deserved to be first beaten and then returned to wherever she was brought from.”

He further wrote, “It’s a global issue, and families must remain vigilant. What started as urinating in a cup could have escalated to something far worse. John believed that people must pray to avoid accommodating such evil-minded individuals in their homes. Families must be cautious, aware, and proactive in protecting their loved ones from potential harm.”

A growing menace

In recent times, the role of housemaids in Nigerian homes has come under intense scrutiny due to a rising tide of alarming incidents.



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