Yesterday, in an X (formerly Twitter) livestream, former Daily Wire host Candace Owens ranted about a “cult” of pedophiles which, she claimed, founded the nation of Israel and murdered European Christians during Passover. Owens also told viewers that if she’s killed they should “blame the Zionists.”
During her unhinged tirade, Owens said that Frankists — followers of Jacob Frank, whom the The Forward called an “obscure 18th century Jewish apostate” — masquerade as Jews while committing a litany of crimes, from ritual murders to pedophilia.
According to Owens, Leo Frank — the Jewish factory superintendent who was convicted and lynched for the 1913 rape and murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan — wasn’t just a Frankist himself, but was related to Jacob Frank. She claimed that Phagan’s murder was part of a “sexual ritual” that was meant to coincide with Passover.
In fact, she argued that “Frankists” had often murdered Christians during the Jewish holiday. “Catholics and Christians were going missing on Passover,” she said. “Then they would find bodies, okay, across Europe, and they were able to trace them back to Jews. ‘Blood libel!’ They weren’t Jews, okay? These were Frankists.”
Thanks to subsequent evidence, including a sworn statement by a witness in the case, it is now widely believed that Leo Frank was wrongfully convicted. In 1986 he was awarded a posthumous pardon by the state of Georgia for failing to protect him from his killers.
But Neo-Nazis continue to use Frank’s case in their antisemitic propaganda.
Owens also said that Theodor Herzl, the founder of the modern Zionist movement, was a Frankist, that Israel had been founded by Frankists, and that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Mossad — Israel’s national intelligence agency. She warned her audience that if she dies, it will be at the hands of “Zionists.”
“I just wanna be clear: Anything happens to me, blame the Zionists,” she declared. “Like one thousand percent blame the Zionists. Like, let that be what my parting words, okay?”
Now, I wanna be very clear here, because a lot of people go “Oh, well, uh, it’s the Jews.” Right? You hear that a lot. “It’s the Jews.” Judaism is a religion, okay? If you are not, in my view, practicing Judaism, you’re not a Jew, okay? So that is why I say this is not the Jews. The religion they are practicing — they are not deeming the Torah as their holy book, okay? What these people are, and the religion that they practice, is something that is known as Frankism.
Founder of that was Jacob Frank, before him — it takes on different names kind of every century. So first it was a religion that was known as Sabbateanism, okay? And then it was Jacob Frank. So that was the 17th century that it was Jacob Frank, known as Frankism. They believed — they practiced — incest, pedophilia — you can look this up all by yourself, okay? These were their — they considered them to be their sacraments. They had sexual rituals. And yes, they killed people. So let’s fast forward now to the ADL, and recognizing that Jacob Frank, who establishes a religion, a descendent of his was Leo Frank.
Leo Frank was so effing wealthy. His wife was a descendent of the Loeb-Kuhn banking family. And his family, the Franks, had married into the Rothschild family. They’re trying to convince you — the ADL, okay — Mary Phagan, a little 13-year-old, poor girl gets ruth[lessly] — Catholic girl, okay — gets ruthlessly [murdered in] some kind of a sexual ritual. “Oh, it’s a blood libel!” This is one of the ADL’s terms. “It’s a blood libel! We get caught raping and killing a girl, we’re just gonna pretend that we, um, are Jewish, and that they’re only attacking us because we’re Jews.” That’s the whole move.
They’re mining the educational training that we get into a classroom when we think of the Holocaust, and they’re expecting people that actually do follow the Torah to raise up and to not ask questions and to believe that everything they’re saying is true. So they’re playing people that are actually Jews, while at the same time protecting the pedophile elites. They do this over and over again. That’s the ADL exists for — they absolutely hate Catholics because Catholics know that the shit has been going on forever, okay?
Many moons ago, before they decided to establish Israel as a country — I know you’ve read like the short version in the classroom and it was like “Oh, the Holocaust happened and then we realized that Israel needs a state.” No that’s not how it went down. That’s not how it went down at the eff all, okay? Catholics and Christians were going missing on Passover. Then they would find bodies, okay, across Europe, and they were able to trace them back to Jews. “Blood libel!” They weren’t Jews, okay? These were Frankists. And so just like Leo Frank killed Mary Phagan on Passover back in 1913 or 1914 — I can’t remember the exact date — he did it during Passover for a reason. This Frankist cult, which is masquerading behind Jews, still participates in this shit to this day, okay?
We are existing, right now, in a media — a Zionist media empire which is working to protect criminals. That is what’s happening is a criminal syndicate that is being protected. And it is the same mechanisms as discussed in that Kenneth Anger book [Hollywood Babylon] of blackmail, coercion.
Like I should not be the only one calling out how many times Zionists defend pedophiles and criminals. This is not normal, okay? Why does Israel allow pedophiles from America to flee and receive protection from their state? Why are we, the country that’s funding their bullshit, okay, not allowed to extradite our pedophiles? Okay? Does anybody have an answer? I dunno, show of hands? Anybody like “Oh no, that’s totally normal, that makes total sense”? Like, “Candace, even asking the question is antisemitic.”
Like, no, guys. There’s like a problem here that we can’t get our pedophiles back from a nation that we’ve given billions of dollars to. That doesn’t make sense. Why would you want, as as small nation that is the size of New Jersey, okay — why would you want the pedophiles to flee there? Like why would you want the pedophiles to be procreating? Hmmm, unless — unless the nation of Israel may have been established by some Frankists. And it’s looking like Theodor Herzl’s family was from the exact same area in Moravia and in Bohemia where the Frankist cult was founded.
Crazy. Crazy when you get into his family. That like maybe Theodor Herzl who wrote in a book that he didn’t care how many Jews had to die for him to get the state of Israel, maybe he was not actually a Torah-worshipping Jew. Look, I dunno. I’m just throwin’ out some ideas here. And by throwing out some ideas I mean I’ve read a ton of books and I’ve figured it out, okay?
So we’ve got this friend and ally, and we’re not allowed to ask questions about JFK’s shooting. Or the U.S.S. Liberty. Yeah. Mhmm. Mossad there on the day that JFK was shot. The arguments that he was having in the days preceding with their prime minister. Still classified. [Okay], we’re never gonna know what they were arguing about. And then Jacob Rubenstein shoots the guy who said he didn’t shoot the guy. Do you have a question about that, you antisemite?
Don’t come at me. Don’t even — like, I don’t even wanna hear questions. We’re not allowed to ask about — speaking of the U.S.S. Liberty, the fact that, like, after October 7th, they jammed through a bill in Congress, okay? And they were like “We must have an October 7th day of remembrance in school. Kids must learn about this in school.” And we can’t get one for the U.S.S. Liberty? Okay, that means your nation is being held hostage by a foreign power. Mhmm. Yeah.
So part of that Jacob Frank religion, the reason why they wanted to commit the act of pedophilia was because he believed that, like, if you were willing to commit that sin, you would do anything else. His theory was I’m gonna — like Jacob’s Ladder — bring you to the bottom, to the abyss. Get you to the most immoral things only to lift you back up. And it immediately creates camaraderie among the group of pedophiles, because all of them have done this horrific thing. So basically they’re like, in order to, like, become — get into this religion, you have to rape a child, okay?
And so you have people that are willing to do that, okay, that are in this religion. A religion who the first Jewish Supreme Court Justice — look this up — Louis Brandeis was a Frankist. On his profile. He kept a photo of Jacob Frank’s daughter. Like he was an open Frankist. Open Frankist family that has — made it to the Supreme Court. But I guess we can’t ask any questions. Oh, he was also a Zionist. Every single time these people that are committing crimes are also Zionists.
We are an occupied nation. And if it’s going to take women, like, having to speak up and say that to make permission — like to give permission to men to do the same, then I’m happy to be the first person, okay? I just wanna be clear: Anything happens to me, blame the Zionists. Like one thousand percent blame the Zionists. Like, let that be what my parting words, okay?
So, anyways, like I said if I get killed, definitely a Zionist.
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