Covid-19 was a lab leak, US energy department concludes

Covid-19 was a lab leak, US energy department concludes


The Covid-19 pandemic is most likely to have originated from a laboratory leak, a US government department has concluded.

The study carried out on behalf of the US energy department is considered authoritative as it oversees a network of 17 laboratories encompassing research in advanced biology.

The FBI has also blamed a leak from a Chinese laboratory for the pandemic.

Since the start there has been speculation that Covid-19 escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, which had been collecting and manipulating bat viruses.

Four other agencies in the US still believe that the pandemic was the result of natural transmission and two others are undecided, according to the Wall Street Journal, which first reported the energy department findings.

It is understood that one of the agencies which remains undecided is the CIA.

Asked about the latest report on CNN on Sunday, Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, admitted there were a variety of views held by the American intelligence community on the origins of the pandemic.

“Some elements of the intelligence community have reached conclusions on one side, some on the other, and a number have said they just don’t have enough information to be sure,” he said.

Reached with ‘low confidence’

He added that the Biden administration had “directed repeatedly every element of our intelligence community to put effort and resources on getting to the bottom of this question.

“Right now there is not a definitive answer to emerge from the intelligence community.”

According to the Wall Street Journal, the energy department has reached its conclusion with “low confidence”.

However, it said that suggestions Covid-19 was part of a Chinese biological weapons programme were unfounded.

In 2021 the FBI said it had “moderate confidence” that the pandemic was caused by an accidental leak from a Chinese laboratory. It is understood the agency still holds that view.

Other theories centred on wet food markets in Wuhan and the belief that animals could have passed on the virus to humans.

Among others who have attributed the pandemic to an accidental leak from a Chinese laboratory is Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of Britain’s MI6 intelligence agency.

WHO shelved investigation

In a 2020 interview with The Daily Telegraph, he said he had seen a scientific report by a British-Norwegian team indicating that the virus was man-made.

It emerged earlier in February that an investigation into the origins of the virus had been quietly shelved by the World Health Organisation.

An initial inquiry by the WHO concluded in 2021 that Covid-19 emerged from an animal spillover event, but it was later shown that investigators had been forced to report a lab leak was unlikely to avoid arguments with China.

In the US the origins have been politicised with many Republicans, including former president Donald Trump, insisting that blame rested with the Chinese.

Others to have pushed the case for the disease being man-made include Republican Arkansas senator Tom Cotton.

The latest findings will intensify pressure on the Biden administration to take a stronger line with China.

In January the US president voiced concern that Beijing was under-reporting coronavirus deaths.

This was denied by the Chinese foreign ministry which insisted the epidemic was controllable, adding that it had been co-operating fully with the WHO.

The post Covid-19 was a lab leak, US energy department concludes appeared first on The Telegraph.


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