Vatican urged to answer claims of 'cover up' after 'UFO was found in Italy'

Vatican urged to answer claims of 'cover up' after 'UFO was found in Italy'


Calls are mounting for the Vatican to reveal their archives to shed light on claims a UFO was retrieved in Italy almost a century ago.

US Air Force Veteran and former intelligence official David Grusch alleged in June that an Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) was recovered from Magenta, a town near Milan, in 1933.

The UFO whistleblower claimed that the craft fell into the possession of the US with the help of the Vatican.

Pope Pius XII had “backchanneled” knowledge of the UFO to the Americans, Grusch said, which “ended up scooping it” from them.

The former employee at the National Reconnaissance Office on UFOs said that the Catholic church “certainly” knew about the existence of alien life.

NASA, along with the Department of Defence, have continually denied that they have evidence of alien life.

The Vatican was probed about the claims on Tuesday by NewsNation, and again by Newsweek on Thursday, and are yet to respond.


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