Harvard physicist says aliens may be creating universes in labs

Harvard physicist says aliens may be creating universes in labs

Harvard professor Avi Loeb says aliens may be creating universes – including our own – in labs because they have ‘Godlike’ intelligence

  • Harvard physicist Avi Loeb believes aliens are super-intelligent beings
  • They could have technologies to create baby universes in laboratories 

The Harvard physicist on a mission to prove the existence of alien life believes ultra-advanced civilizations may already have the ability to create ‘baby universes in a lab.’

Avi Loeb – former chair of Harvard’s astronomy department – said these creatures may even be responsible for our universe.

Professor Loeb – who has made wildly speculative theories in the past – is currently studying hundreds of tiny metal fragments recovered from an interstellar object that crashed into the Pacific Ocean and is due to publish his findings in weeks.

He explained to Fox News that a civilization that is millions of years more advanced than us may have developed an understanding of ‘how to unify quantum mechanics and gravity’.

This, he theorized, could recreate the cosmic conditions that gave rise to its existence.

The notion of creating life in a laboratory may sound farfetched to most, but scientists have made single-celled organisms before, and Loeb said it is ‘a quality that we assign to God in religious texts.’

Many astronomers, however, are ‘sick’ of Loeb’s wild claims that are ‘polluting good science.’

Loeb has made headlines for years, starting with his theory that the interstellar visitor Oumuamua in 2017 was an alien craft – something that was mocked or criticized by most mainstream scientists.

In June, he conducted a dive in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Papua New Guinea to recover fragments of the IM1 meteor that disintegrated in January 2014, which he believes are remains from an alien craft.

But Arizona State University astrophysicist Steve Desch told the New York Times: ‘It’s polluting good science — conflating the good science we do with this ridiculous sensationalism and sucking all the oxygen out of the room.’

The pushback is not stopping Loeb from searching for answers, however, which he promises will be revealed in September.

In the meantime, he is sharing his theories, including this one about super-intelligent civilizations.

‘A very advanced scientific civilization is a good approximation to God,’ Loeb told Fox News.

‘Imagine a cave dweller visiting New York City and seeing all the gadgets in technology in terms of the lights appearing as a miracle to the cave dweller.’


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