Do ghosts really exist? 5 possible scientific explanations for paranormal activity REVEALED

Do ghosts really exist? 5 possible scientific explanations for paranormal activity REVEALED


Whether we like to admit it or not, many of us have probably questioned if a bump in the night was actually a ghost at some point or another. 

And if you’re really unlucky, you might even believe you’ve see a spirit in the flesh. 

But what exactly makes us feel like we are in the presence of something beyond the grave? 

Exploding head syndrome, sleep paralysis and even mould can be the source of a chill down your spine or the inkling that someone is watching.

So, brace yourselves, as MailOnline explores five possible scientific explanations behind experiences of paranormal activity. 

 Sleep paralysis

In 2015, a woman shared a chilling experience she had when heading to bed one night.

When laying down beside her husband – who was snoring as per usual – the 62-year-old was tapped on the shoulder by someone who whispered: ‘I’m cold, can I get in?’

The woman said yes, thinking it was one of her daughters, but when she opened her eyes she saw her seven-year-old son – who was killed some months earlier.

This terrifying phenomenon is known as sleep paralysis and is often cited as an explanation for sightings of paranormal activity.

While doctors are unsure how exactly this takes place, it is generally believed to occur when a person hits a stage of rapid eye movement sleep (REM) – during which you’re most likely to have vivid dreams.



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