Facebook drags two Nigerians to court

Facebook drags two Nigerians to court

Facebook’s parent company Meta this week announced it has taken legal action against two Nigerians for their alleged roles in financial scams targeting Facebook and Instagram users.

Between March 2020 and October 2021, the social media giant says, the two individuals – Arafat Eniola Arowokoko and Arowokoko Afeez Opeyemi – lured Facebook and Instagram users to phishing websites to harvest credentials and compromise their financial services accounts.

To make sure they can perform the nefarious activities unhindered, the defendants employed a network of more than 800 fake Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Meta says it has already taken several enforcement actions against the two individuals, by disabling accounts they used on Facebook and Instagram, by blocking the phishing domains on its platforms, and by sending them cease and desist letters.


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