Humans who go to live on Red Planet ‘could create new hybrid MARTIAN super-species’

Humans who go to live on Red Planet ‘could create new hybrid MARTIAN super-species’

PEOPLE who eventually make it to Mars could create a whole new specie fit to live there.With plans like Elon Musk‘s to eventually colonise the Red Planet, human settlers will need to adapt to the new environment.

One wild theory some speculate could happen is a brand new species, mixing genetic modification and cyborg techniques.

Space explorers will need to wait a few centuries before such human enhancements are available though.

“I think we’re going to want to regulate all that sort of thing on Earth but the pioneers on Mars they will have every incentive to adapt themselves because they’re very badly adapted to Mars,” Professor Lord Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal, told The Sun.

“Whereas we are well adapted to the Earth by evolution and so they will use all these techniques to try and adapt themselves better to a Martian environment.


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