Apple's Vision Pro dev kit comes with some insanely strict rules

Apple's Vision Pro dev kit comes with some insanely strict rules


Having just been revealed in June, the Apple Vision Pro headset is still deep under wraps. Based on the limited information that Apple has made public so far, the headset is designed to be a new kind of mixed reality experience, rather than a traditional VR headset like the Meta Quest. In order to promote the release of software for the device and allow creators to make new apps, Apple has had to send out dev kits. However, in an effort to ensure no other companies eat its proverbial lunch, the company has gone out of its way to lay down a particularly stringent set of rules.

According to an official Vision Pro Developer Kit terms and conditions document that has been found on Apple’s website, individuals who request and utilize a Vision Pro kit are subject to a laundry list of hyper-specific rules and regulations. The following directives have all been set with the express intent of keeping the device out of the public eye before its proper time comes.

Vision Pro dev kit rules

The Vision Pro dev kit document stipulates that all usage of the kit for developer purposes must take place in a secure, private location, and only by yourself or your direct, authorized employees. The document even goes as far as to require that office doors be locked while the kit is in use. For those who work from home, anyone who doesn’t explicitly work for you cannot be in the presence of the kit, and that includes friends and family. Additionally, when the kit is in use, it must always be in your “positive control.” In other words, you either have it on you constantly or at least have eyes on it at all times.


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